Saturday, November 21, 2015

Loeb Lake fishing 2

Another warm day in New York City.  I arrived early, 8:00 am, because I couldn't sleep.  It was windy at times and I saw no activity.  Fish are active in the afternoon.  It started slow.

I chummed several of the places I normally fish.  While I waited, two big carp surfaced to eat
from the surface.  I was startled to see two double digit carp surface like two submarines within
a foot of where I was sitting.  I sat motionless  If they had seen me move I would have spooked them.
They nibbled on a piece of my chum and then disappeared into the depths of Loeb Lake.

One of the things I enjoy is being able to observe carp while the do what carp do.  In order
to catch carp you must try to understand carp and how they survive.

Carp were jumping out of the water near the rock in the picture but I could not get them to
move within casting range.

Where the two carp rose to periscope depth

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