Fished for carp at a park in New Jersey. I chose
this water because the carp here are especially
cautious. This maybe the most difficult place to
catch carp that I know.
When I arrived in the early afternoon, I saw
feeding carp. I decided to not use any chum.
Within the first fifteen minutes, I had hooked
a relatively small carp. There are no big boys
in this water. No carp weighs more than a few
pounds. The second carp was caught in a
different part of the river.
The third carp took longer to catch. I think in
hindsight, I should have moved to another part
of the water, carp were getting wise to me.
During the time I was fishing, I would see takes
that were not typical carp takes. Usually this means
small panfish or catfish ( I was fishing on the bottom
in dark water). Finally I caught a nice, about a foot
long catfish.
By the time the weather started to get threatening
I had hooked 5 and landed 3 carp. I wanted to
take one more crack at the carp but I could hear
the thunder in the distance.
According to the New Jersey Transit bus schedule
the next bus to NYC would arrive at 7:15 pm; so
I walked to the bus stop several blocks away.
" And then it started to rain". It rained, thundered
and lightninged for nearly an hour. There were
no shelters or doorways in which to hunker down
It was a heavy rain. I was literally standing in an
outdoor shower.
The rain slowly soaked my clothes starting at my hat.
Even my gore tex shoes were wet inside due to the
trickle down theory working. If you stand still the
rain soaks your pants, runs down you leg and
into the tops of your soxs which filters the water
before it collects in the bottom of your water proof