Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Roller skis

I have been roller skiing for about 30 years now. I do it now mostly for fun since I no longer compete in cross country ski races. When I competed this form of exercise was mandatory for nine months of the year. Roller skis allow a ski racer to prepare for the stress and strain required to race on skis. It is still enjoyable to go out for an hour or two and simulate skiing on snow while others watch and wonder what you are doing.

1 comment:

  1. William,

    I am interested in finding people who would like to roller ski together, either in Central or Prospect Park. I used to XC ski years ago in No California and want to get into its landside equivalent for the exercise value.

    I hope to hear from you. Re: "Great Lakes of NYC" (great title, by the way).

    Peter Basta Brightbill
