Sunday, May 12, 2013

Carp and cat fish in Central Park

A big catfish caught on Friday morning.

Jay and I fished for carp the other day.  We started near the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park
But all we saw there was a large snapping turtle.  So after more than an hour of trying to get carp to "cloop", eat from the lake surface, we moved to another part of the lake.

 We found a quiet spot where there were few  people and hoped for the best.  We saw bubbles.

There were catfish in this part of the lake and Jay caught more than a dozen.  Some big and some
less than a foot long.  We did manage to squeeze out a few carp in this catfish zone.  Jay caught an eleven
and fourteen pound carp and I caught the micro carp Jay is holding.


  1. Those are very, very nice brown bullheads and you seem to catch many of that size. Nice carp as well Bill, good fishing it seems.


  2. I caught my first Bullhead as a boy in Omaha, Nebraska.
