Friday, May 29, 2015

Sugar pond in Westchester

I saw this tiny pond on a Google Map and decided to see it in person.  When I arrived I saw
big tad poles at the pond's edges

Almost everywhere there were panfish; young panfish swimming but not taking any of the flies
I offered.

As I fished my way around the pond, I noticed that there was a lone koi swimming
at the north side of the pond.  So I took out my camera and began to photograph the koi.

Before long I saw an orange and black koi swimming near the first koi (orange and white).

Then I saw another koi swimming in the north end of the pond.  I looked closer to see if
I could detect the movement of any common carp.

Here is the orange and black koi swimming with a white koi.

During my visit I counted more than six koi.  I detected no common carp but that does not
mean there are none.

The orange and black koi

Oh boy koi

It may take awhile to locate but there is a deer in this thicket!

Sugar pond, looking north

Large tad pole.

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